View Network Statistics

This article explains how to view network statistics to ensure network efficiency.

  • To access Network Statistics, start by going to Timus Manager and selecting the "Sites" page.

  • From here, select the site with the network you want to view and click on the ellipsis icon located on the right side of the site row.

  • Click on "View" to enter the site page, where you can find the statistics for the networks associated with that site.

  • The Network Statistics section provides graphical representations of the connection status (Health) or the download/upload statistics (Throughput) for either all networks or a specific one.

  • You can filter the status and statistics with the time filter as default: 7, 15, 30 days or, you can customize the date.

The Network Statistics for the Primary WAN of the site you are currently viewing in your Timus Manager are as follows:


They indicate the time it takes for a data packet to travel from one point to another on the network. Jitter:

Inconsistent arrival of packets between two endpoints, causing delays. Loss (Packet Loss):

Packet loss refers to when a packet fails to reach its destination, arrives in a different order than intended, or arrives after a significant delay. Upload:

The upload rate refers to the speed at which the customer's data is transferred to the Gateway, typically measured in bits per second. Download:

The download speed is the rate at which the representative receives data from the Gateway, typically measured in bits per second.

(Connection) Health:

The performance of the session indicates the status of the established connection and is derived from the average recorded latency.

If the Latency is less than 50 ms, the connection is defined as "PERFECT."

Similarly, if the Latency is recorded as:

Between 50 and 150 ms, the connection is called "GOOD." Between 150 and 300 ms, it is considered "AVERAGE." If it exceeds 300 ms, the connection is labeled "BAD."

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