Google Workspace

This article explains how you can integrate Timus with Google Workspace to enable users to log into your corporate network using their Google Workspace credentials.

Use your Google credentials in Timus applications.

To integrate your Google Workspace users with Timus and allow them to log in to your network using their Google credentials, you need to configure Google Workspace through Google Cloud Console:

Go to the Manage Resources page in the Google Cloud console.

  1. On the Select Organization drop-down list at the top of the page, Select the organization resource in which you want to create a project.

  2. Click Create Project.

  3. In the New Project window that appears, enter a Project Name.

  4. Select an Organization to attach it to a project.

  5. Enter the Parent Organization or folder resource in Location.

  6. When you are finished entering new project details, click Create.

Enable Admin SDK API

  1. Type Admin SDK in the Search bar of the

  2. Select the Admin SDK API option in the Marketplace drop-down list at the bottom of the page.

  3. Click the Enable button on the page that opens.

Client ID

  1. After enabling it, click Credentials from the APIs & Services menu on the left.

  2. On the screen that opens, click the Create Credentials button.

  3. In the Credential Type pop-up window, you will see the Select an API section. Please select Admin SDK API for this.

  4. Select User Data for: What data will you be accessing?

  5. Click Next.

  6. In the next step, enter App Information on the OAuth Consent Screen.

  7. Upload a Logo for the application.

  8. Enter email addresses for Developer Contact Information.

  9. Select Web application for the OAuth Client ID step.

  10. Enter an URL for Authorized redirect URls.

  11. Copy and save Client ID under Download your credentials in the Your Credentials step.

  12. Click Done.

Client Secret

  1. Go to APIs & Services> Credentials screen from the left menu.

  2. Click on OAuth 2.0 Client IDs you just have created.

  3. Click on Web Client.

  4. You can view Client Secret on the left of the Client ID for Web Application screen.

  5. Copy and save to the client secret before leaving the page.

Service Account

  1. Go to the IAM & Admin> Service Accounts screen from the left menu.

  2. Click the Create Service Account button.

  3. In the Service Account Details step on this screen, enter the information requested from you.

  4. Click Create and Continue.

  5. In the step Grant this service account access to project, select a role as Basic> Viewer.

  6. Continue and click Done.

  7. At the end of the page, you will view the Service account created text box.


  1. Click on the Service Account name you have just created.

  2. On this screen that opens, click the KEYS tab.

  3. Click the ADD KEY button here.

  4. Select Create New Key from the Create private key for “Workspace” screen that opens.

  5. Choose JSON as Key type.

  6. Click Create.

  7. The JSON key will be automatically downloaded to your device after this step.

Assign Admin Roles

  1. Open the Google Workspace Admin page

  2. Click the Account> Admin Roles title on the left menu.

  3. Select the Group Reader role and and click the Assign Admin button at the right of the page.

  4. On the Admins section that opens, click the Assign Service Accounts text.

  5. You will see the Assign role- Groups Reader window on the screen.

  6. Go to the Service Accounts page. You can see the service account you have just created and its email address under the Email title. Copy this email address and go back to the Assign role- Groups Reader window.

  7. Paste this email address text into the Assign role- Groups Reader window and click the ADD button.

  8. Then click the "Assign Role" button to complete the process.

Similarly, select User Management Admin on the same screen and click the Assign Admin button.

Paste the email address text you have copied into the Assign role-User Management Admin window and click the ADD button. Then click the "Assign Role" button to complete the process.

Customer ID

To copy and save Customer ID:

  1. Go to Account> the Account Settings page.

  2. You will view Customer ID on the page.

  3. Please copy and save the ID and open Timus Manager on your browser.

Google Workspace Integration on Timus Manager

To integrate Google Workspace with Timus Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings on Timus Manager and select Integrations.

  2. You will see a list of integrations, including Google Workspace. Click the Enable button next to it.

  3. On the Google Workspace Integration screen that opens, enter the information you received from the Google Cloud Console. This includes your Client ID, Client Secret, and Customer ID that you have copied and saved.

  4. To synchronize your Google Workspace users with Timus, drag and drop the JSON file (no more than 10 KB) or click to browse and select the file.

  5. After uploading the file, click Confirm to complete the integration.

The synchronization process may require up to 30 minutes, but it could potentially take longer.

The duration of the synchronization depends on the amount of information you are synchronizing from the Google Workspace.

Google Workspace Integration Preferences

  • To enable Synchronization Status, go to the Preferences tab on the integration window.

  • In this tab, you can view your Last Synchronization date and select the groups you want to synchronize with the Mapping feature.

  • Any users in these groups that you select will be added to the Google Workspace Users team on Timus and tagged with the name of their associated Google Workspace group.

Last updated