Forwarding Rules
To create a forwarding rule that manages traffic from devices, IP addresses, and networks for your organization's network.
Create a Forwarding rule by going to Timus Manager -> Rules -> Forwarding page.
Once you click on Create New, you will be able to see the page as shown in the image below:
You can define a range for both source and destination ports like 1000-2000.
Once you extend the Schedule, you can decide if the forwarding will be active Everyday (all the time) or it will be active for a specific period of time. It has been selected as Everyday by default.
Map to Port: When enabled, destination ports loop sequentially for source ports. The Map to Port feature allows you to specify a range of ports on both protocols, TCP or UDP, for instance, 70-75, and map them to a destination range, such as 80-85. Ports are forwarded sequentially: port 70 maps to port 80, port 71 maps to port 81, and so on. This feature is useful for port forwarding in a one-to-one manner."
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