Bitdefender for Endpoint Integration Guide

  1. Log in to BitDefender GravityZone:

  2. Navigate to API Keys:

    • Once logged in, click on your username at the upper right corner of the console and select 'My Account'.

    • Go to the 'API keys' section.

  3. Generate an API Key:

    • Click on the 'Add' button in the API keys section.

    • Enter a description for the API key and select the Network API.

    • Click 'Generate'. Ensure you copy and save your API key as it is crucial for the integration.

    1. Copy the Management URL:

      • The Management URL is generally the URL you use to access the GravityZone control panel, like

      • You might also find the specific API endpoint URLs under the API section if your integration requires targeting specific services.

    2. Enter your details in Timus Manager portal:

      • To be able to enable Bitdefender you need to go to the page Settings -> Integrations and click the “Enable” button of Bitdefender integration.

      • Enter your API Key and Management URL, and click the “Confirm” button.

To integrate Bitdefender for using the getManagedEndpointDetails and getEndpointList API calls, you need to follow these steps:

1. Obtain API Access

Step 1: Access the Bitdefender GravityZone Console

  • Log in to your Bitdefender GravityZone console.

Step 2: Create an API Key

  • Navigate to the API section in the GravityZone console.

  • Generate an API key if you don't already have one.

  • Note down the API key as you will need it to authenticate your API calls.

2. Assign Necessary Permissions

To use the getManagedEndpointDetails and getEndpointList API calls, ensure the API key has the following permissions:

  • Endpoints: Read access to retrieve endpoint details.

  • Network: Read access to retrieve the list of managed endpoints.

3. Permissions Summary

Ensure your API key has the following permissions:

  • Read access to the Endpoints and Network sections in the Bitdefender GravityZone console.

By following these steps, you should be able to integrate Bitdefender and use the getManagedEndpointDetails and getEndpointList API calls effectively.

  • Endpoints: Read access to retrieve endpoint details.

  • Network: Read access to retrieve the list of managed endpoints.

  • Read access to the Endpoints and Network sections in the Bitdefender GravityZone console.

Last updated