Edit User

This article provides instructions on how to edit a user profile within your Timus network.

  • To edit a user's details and change their Status to Active or Inactive,

  • To add them to a Team,

  • To select Tags for them and grant or revoke Remote Access permission to Allowed Sites, start by selecting the checkbox next to the user on the Users page. Then, click on the Actions button > then select Edit Settings situated on the right side of the page.

Alternatively, on the same page, click the ellipsis icon on the far right of the row containing the user information > select View and then choose Edit from the Actions button at the top of the page.

The dropdown bulk Actions menu also provides the options to Ban/Unban, Reset Password, Reset 2FA, Drop Connection, and Delete for any adjustments you wish to make.

Note that for the Status option, inactive accounts are not able to login to the system and do not consume user subscriptions.

Last updated