Connect 4.5.4

New Features

Trusted Networks

We have added Trusted Networks functionality, allowing administrators to define trusted networks for their environments and control the use of Timus Connect VPN services.

  • Designate specific networks as trusted, eliminating the need for VPN connections and simplifying the user experience. Alternatively, with the help of Always-On functionality, mandatory VPN usage when users connect to untrusted networks, thus strengthening security by ensuring encrypted access to sensitive resources.

DNS Filtering and Enforcement

We have developed a new feature, "Enforce Local DNS Responder," accessible via the agent profiles. This feature is designed to enforce the use of domain-based split tunneling by the local DNS responder. It will assist the Timus Connect application in resolving DNS queries using our local DNS responder.

Diagnostic Logs

Diagnostic logs have been enhanced to include additional information for better process monitoring and troubleshooting:

  • Added Process ID and port information to the diagnostic logs.

This enhancement aids administrators and support teams in quickly identifying and resolving issues related to process and port usage.

3rd Party Integration Security

We have improved the security of user logins through 3rd party integrations, ensuring a seamless and secure authentication process:

  • Users redirected from the Connect application to a browser for authentication will now be prompted to enter necessary credentials as client ID and client secret.

  • After entering the credentials, this information will be securely transmitted back to the Connect application, completing the login process.

This enhancement ensures a secure and streamlined login experience for users utilizing 3rd party integrations.


Automatic Agent Updates

We have implemented a new "Automatic Update" feature, available through agent profiles. This enhancement allows Timus administrators to configure automatic updates for Timus Connect agents. Agents with this setting enabled will automatically check for updates and install new releases, ensuring they are always up-to-date.

Resolved Issues

Connection Issues on network changes

We have enhanced the stability and performance of the connection in the event of a network change. We have expanded the range of connection status updates to provide a more comprehensive understanding of connection status.

Sleep & Wakeup Improvements

We have addressed several issues related to VPN connectivity when waking the computer from sleep mode:

  • Ensured that split tunnel rules are consistently applied when transitioning between different networks.

  • Fixed an issue where the VPN connection would incorrectly appear as active after waking from sleep mode.

  • Resolved an issue where users would receive a "Successfully Disconnected" message when pressing the connect button after waking from sleep mode.

These fixes ensure a more stable and reliable VPN connection during and after sleep mode, providing a seamless user experience.

Connection/Disconnection Speed

Improved the speed of connecting to and disconnecting from the VPN, providing a faster and more efficient user experience.

Last updated